Monday, December 8, 2008

kasperksy 7 CRACK/patch

KASPERSKY INternet security 7 &kav 7 PATCH

tired of your old virus scanner that does not work even if the virus is right up its nose? tired of overpriced virus scanners? kaspersky is a great virus scanner, however is very difficult/expensive to get legit keys for it. i have found a patch for the KIS 7 and KAV7.what it does is that it ignores the blacklisted keys while acting like a legit software(updates and everything).

you may need to be a bit techy to make this work
if you are currently running kaspersky, add the link below to your trusted site/exemptions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Para que pasar horas buscando llaves que solo estan en lista negra? Yo compre una licencia en en 2 USD por 100 dias de licencia y la verdad me va de lujo.
Es muy barato y confiable